
今日主題:歐巴馬 美國總統訪緬甸第一人









Phnom Penh, Cambodia
-- Barack Obama became the first sitting
U.S. president to visit Myanmar on Monday, praising the courage of fellow Nobel
Peace Prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi while also providing a symbolic nod to
initial reforms in a nation once notorious for political repression.

Later, Obama traveled to Cambodia for a summit of regional
leaders and held what an aide called a "tense"meeting with the host country's
prime minister that emphasized the need for improving human rights there.

The president's trip, his first overseas
since winning re-election this month, foreshadowed the focus his administration
will place on Asia in a second term as part of
a strategy to blunt Chinese influence in the region. Cambodia
is an ally of China .

Monday's highlight was the several hours
Obama spent in Myanmar , the
formerly secretive country also known as Burma .

The president met with Suu Kyi at the
lakeside villa where she spent years under house arrest for her pro-democracy
activism. Obama called the meeting a new chapter between the two countries.


"Here, through so many difficult years,
is where she has displayed such unbreakable courage and determination,"
Obama told reporters, standing next to Suu Kyi. "It is here where she
showed that human freedom and human dignity cannot be denied."

was politically and economically isolated from the rest of the world for
decades until it ended military rule last year.

In a diplomatic show of support, Obama
referred to the country by the government's preferred name -- Myanmar -- rather than the colonial name of Burma
used by Suu Kyi and democracy activists.

Suu Kyi warned that Myanmar 's reform process would be

"The most difficult time in any
transition is when we think success is in sight, then we have to be very
careful that we are not lured by a mirage of success, and that we are working
toward its genuine success for our people and friendship between our two
countries," she said.





1.foreshadow  KK [forˋʃædo] DJ [fɔ:ˋʃædəu]  預示; 成為...的前兆

2.blunt  KK [blʌnt] DJ [blʌnt]  減弱

3.Burma  KK [ˋbɝmə] DJ [ˋbə:mə]  (Myanmar的舊稱)緬甸

4.mirage  KK [məˋrɑʒ] DJ [miˋrɑ:ʒ]  海市蜃樓

5.genuine  KK [ˋdʒɛnjʊɪn] DJ [ˋdʒenjuin]  真的; 非偽造的; 名副其實的

    創作者 茂茂甄測站 的頭像


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