servants' 18% interest rate should go: Kuan
Friday, December 14, 2012
By Adam Tyrsett Kuo ,The China
TAIPEI, Taiwan -- Examination Yuan President Kuan Chung (關中) said yesterday that the
18-percent preferential interest rate for retired civil servants should be
gradually eliminated.
Kuan said his
position was a personal one rather than a consensus among government officials.
commentators have noted that despite ongoing controversy over pension reform,
the government has yet to incorporate the preferential interest rate issue into
its agenda.
'18 percent'
Retired civil
servants who entered the civil service prior to 1995 may place a portion of
their pensions into an account that affords them an 18-percent interest rate.
Civil servants who entered the civil service after 1995, however, are not
entitled to the preferential treatment.
The discrepancy
between the 18 percent and the actual interest rate is paid for from the
national coffers. According to the Ministry of Civil Service (銓敘部), the government will have to
pay out NT$2 trillion over the next 17 years.
According to one
report, approximately 410,000 retirees currently enjoy the 18-percent interest
rate. Roughly an equivalent number of people still on active duty are entitled
to the 18-percent rate once they retire.
Kuan's 'Personal
“There ought to be a
sunset clause or even a gradual elimination of (the 18 percent),” said Kuan.
The purpose of reform
is to ensure that the unprivileged are protected, Kuan said, adding that the
key is to reduce the earnings replacement rate of retired civil servants.
The earnings
replacement rate is the ratio between a retiree's monthly pension and his or
her salary before retirement.
Over the past decade,
the earnings replacement rate of retired civil servants has reached as high as
90 percent, Kuan said, adding that if one takes the preferential interest rate
into account, the earnings replacement rate of government retirees exceeds 100
The Examination Yuan
president went on to add that the number should be reduced to 70 percent.
“The fact that
government retirees receive more than what they did while working has caused a
significant amount of discomfort among the public; therefore, the system has to
be changed,” Kuan said.
The National Civil
Servant Association (NCSA) yesterday criticized Kuan for his remarks on the
“I don't understand
how he proposes to eliminate it,” said NCSA chief Chen Chuan-ching (陳川青). “The preferential interest
rate policy was effectively abolished in 1995.”
There seems to be an
implication of legal retroaction in Kuan's remarks, Chen added.
The government should
not be going after retirees in order to solve its current financial problems,
Chen stressed.
NCSA deputy chief Yeh
Ren-cheng (葉仁成) said that by making
pre-mature remarks on the issue as Examination Yuan president, Kuan has put the
members of the Ministry of Civil Service in a difficult position.
“If the ministry's
draft doesn't correspond to Kuan's remarks, will it have to alter its
position?” Yeh asked.
(http://chinapost.com.tw/taiwan/national/national-news/ 2012/12/14 /364063/Ex-civil-servants.htm)
1. consensus KK [kənˋsɛnsəs] DJ [kənˋsensəs] 輿論
2. discrepancy KK [dɪˋskrɛpənsɪ]
DJ [disˋkrepənsi] 不一致, 不符, 差異; 不一致之處
3. unprivileged KK [ʌnˋprɪv!ɪdʒd]
DJ [ʌnˋprivlidʒd] 無特權的
4. retroaction KK [͵rɛtroˋækʃən]
DJ [͵retrəuˋækʃən] 追溯效力