你認識這個單字嗎…… | |
tint | |
發音 | KK [tɪnt] DJ [tint] |
程度 | |
字義 | n. 名詞 1. The soils have a rusty red tint.那裡的土壤呈鏽紅色。 2. She showed no tint of fear.她沒有露出一點害怕。 3. She gave me instructions on how to apply the tint.她告訴我如何使用染髮劑。 vt. 及物動詞 1. She tinted each flower in her paintings a different color.她將畫裡每一枝花都畫成不同的顏色。 2. Mr. Wang's hair was tinted black.王先生的頭髮染成黑色。 3. His answer was tinted by his prior knowledge.他的回答說明他先前就有所了解。
同義 | tinge, dye, stain, shade |
變化形 (名複) | tints |
變化形 (動變) | tinted ;tinted; tinting |
例句 | The painting glowed with autumn tints. 這幅畫呈現出秋天的色調。 |